Olympus ES-10 Film Scanner Test Images
The ES-10 is the first film scanner reviewed on this site, so the comments below include more background commentary and comparisons/contrasts to digital cameras than would normally be the case. We'll update this once other scanners are reviewed, and (hopefully) move some of the general digital camera - vs - film scanner discussion to a separate FAQ/Tutorial document. A word about our scanner testing philosophy: Some publications have taken the position of scanning everything using the scanner's default settings, believing this to be most fair, neutral methodology. The problem with this approach is it may show unacceptable results for an otherwise perfectly usable scanner. (Most users are willing to engage in some tweaking of the scanning parameters to get the best result.) For our part, we believe the most accurate representation of real-world performance is to allow for a reasonable level of twiddling of the scan parameters. In the interest of objectivity though, we also show scans performed with default settings, to provide a completely neutral reference point. Also note that all images here have been JPEG compressed for
compatibility with 'web browsers. This will degrade image quality
somewhat, but we used a very conservative compression setting
("8" in Photoshop) to minimize this. |
"Musicians II" image: (323k) The main image here was scanned at 1200x800 pixels (maximum res is 2400x1600), and tonal adjustments were made. We increased the setting for overall "exposure bias" somewhat, as well as both the "shadow" and "gamma" settings on the "color" control panel. The default settings produced this image (287k), which is rather dark. Even though this is a very different source image than that used in our digital camera tests (see the note below), note the excellent color saturation. (NOTE that this is NOT the identical
"Musicians" image as used in our digital cameras test!
It's very similar, but the models are different, and the digital-camera
version is a couple of reproductions generations removed from
this particular version.) |
"Musicians II"
detail clip: (190k) By film scanner
standards, the ES-10's maximum resolution of 1770 dpi sounds
somewhat modest. By digital camera standards, the resolution
is extraordinary. (Olympus refers to the unit as providing "3.84
Megapixel" resolution, but the actual difference between
its results and those of a "1.5 Megapixel" camera is
much greater than the "megapixel" numbers would indicate,
since the scanner has many more effective sensor pixels than
do digital cameras with "striped" arrays. This clip
is taken from a full-resolution (2400x1600) scan of the Musicians
II image. Note how easily single strands of the model's hair
and fine detail in the flowers are resolved! |
Royal Gold 25 "House" detail clip: (189k)
This is a detail clip from the same negative used to produce
the "house" poster for our digital camera tests. It
was shot on Kodak Royal Gold 25 film, which is extremely fine-grained,
but which has very different color characteristics from any of
the films the ES-10 was designed for. Thus, the color here is
a bit off, but the detail is extraordinary. (Compare this shot
to some of the highest-resolution digital cameras, such as the
Olympus D-600L, and the difference
will amaze you. - Look particularly at the pine needles against
the sky.) |
Color Target: (191k) Kodak's "Q60"
color target (formally adopted by the ISO as part of the IT8
color standard) is a good test of color accuracy and tonal rendition.
The main image here was scanned with
the same tonal settings we used for the Musicians II shot above,
while this version (199k)
was executed with the scanner defaults. The scanner shows
excellent tonal range, color purity, and saturation. The very
darkest swatches of the gray scale are plugged below about step
20, but differentiation in the highlights is excellent. (The
original here is a color slide.) |
test target: (306k) No two ways
about it, color negative film is weird! Different brands and
even different products within the same brand vary wildly. The
ES-10 has standard settings pre-configured for a number of popular
emulsions, including Kodak Gold, Kodak "other", Fuji,
etc. You should be able to match most films with one of the standard
setups, although as noted above, odd films like Kodak Royal Gold
25 are problematic. The main image
was shot on Kodak Gold 100, and scanned using the "Kodak
Gold" settings of the scanner, without modification. Colors
are very saturated, and there's a slight yellowish cast overall.
Tonal range is very good, extending from extreme highlights to
deep shadows, although the reddish cast is more pronounced in
the darkest areas. These images show the left-hand side of the
Davebox before (279k)
and after a Photoshop "auto
levels" command (293k), which
removed the color cast with a single operation. |
Resolution Target Horizontal Clip: (54k)
The full WG-18 target is quite large (see below), so we
cropped-out these snippets to show the scanner resolution on
this familiar target. The original shot here was taken on Kodak
Gold 100, a relatively fine-grained color negative film, but
is definitely not to be considered a laboratory-grade standard.
Nonetheless, this will give a fair indication of maximum performance
with the upper end of typical film emulsions. The horizontally
oriented target (vertical resolution) shows a visual resolution
of 1000 line pairs/picture height or more, although there are
fairly strong color artifacts beginning around 900 lp/ph. (Contrast
this though, with top-end (mid-1998) digital camera performance
of ~750 lp/ph.) (Scan done at 2400x1600 pixels full-frame.) |
Resolution Target Vertical Clip: (55k)
Here's the corresponding vertically-oriented clip of the
WG-18/Kodak Gold 100 target. Notice how much fewer color artifacts
appear in the horizontal direction! Visual resolution along the
horizontal axis of the film extends to 1300 line pairs per picture
height or so, a very impressive number. (Scan done at 2400x1600
pixels full-frame.) |
Full-Size WG-18 Resolution Target: (1,549k!) For the real masochists, here's the full-size WG-18 target, scanned at 2400x1600 pixels. A side note: We didn't explicitly set up a test for frame coverage by scanners, but our WG-18 shot goes right to the edges of the 35mm frame. This reveals that the ES-10 crops the frame ever so slightly, perhaps by 3% or so. WARNING: This JPEG expands to an 11 megabyte
file, which will almost certainly crash your browser if viewed
directly! To view it, you must first download it directly to
your hard drive (right-click in Windows, click & hold in
Mac Netscape), then open it in an image-editing application.
Here is the link to the RAW
JPEG IMAGE (1,549k!) (No surrounding HTML file.) |
1951 Resolution Target: (195k) (Elderly
technoids only ;-) Old-line lens and film testers will be well-familiar
with the "USAF 1951" resolution test target. (1951
is the year it was created, giving you an idea of what we mean
when we say "old-line".) This was scanned at 2400x1600
from a laboratory-grade target (chrome on glass slide) before
being cropped down, so it probably gives a more accurate view
of the scanner's ultimate capabilities. Along the vertical axis,
the last distinguishable feature is group 4, element 2, at 17.9
line cycles/mm (~454 line pairs/inch), while the last clear feature
along the horizontal axis is group 5 element 1, at 35.9 line
cycles/mm (~911 line pairs/inch). These numbers are a little
hard to translate to the line pairs/picture height of the WG-18
chart: The raw values translate to 430 and 860 line pairs/picture
height, but the short extent of the USAF patten elements doesn't
permit the sort of visual interin or eye on the more extended
WG-18 pattern. As a result, the USAF target will yield much more
conservative numbers. |